Everything on my mind, i called ART. i believe that everything has a meaning, i called philosophy. and I write all the things on my mind that I believe have the basic meaning, i called art of Pilosophia

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Walking around ..

Play with boyfriends is title for today!!

Because he's went go to Balikpapan on Wenesday morning, first flight at 7AM.. =(
for 2 months.. =((( << so ugly this face!

First time, we go to Bringharjo, buying some clothes and pants for some gift for his family.. we parking on Malioboro Mall and walking to Bringharjo,,

Umm.. and i got J.Cool from him because accompany him for buying gifts =))

Yogurth with longan, honey star and Kit-Kat

Next destinations are.. Watching Film!!

and we agree for watching "Roman Picisan"
the actor/actress is Tora Sudiro and Artika Sari Devi

*tadinya sih pengen nonton Three Idiots tapi belum ada di XXI Yogya.. =(

waiting on 21 so boring,, we agree to go to Gramedia.
i got book which is i want to reading without buying (hihihi)

Pantang Mati Gaya ditulis sama seorang personal buyer

There is one story i remember inside this book
>> ada satu istri (high societed) yang udah menikah, dan dia setiap kali (maaf) mau berhubungan sex, suaminya harus memberikan uang di dalam celengan,, dan waktu dihitung-hitung,, hasil celengannya bisa beli satu tas branded plus masi ada sisanya..

Didalam buku ini semuanya seru buat dibaca, all about passion of fashion, people habbits and many more about fashion

and what i wearing??

just simple things..

Skirt from Bringharjo and flip-flop by Malioboro =)

*tomorrow will be a busy days for me, i will spend time in library.. i must finished paper for wenesday morning!! God, help me.. please..*

God's Says: "Absolutely My Child"

CU Blogaaa!!!


6 komentar:

Rinda mengatakan...

wah aq blum nonton roman picisan,plus jrg nonton skrg,,huhu

oh y aq follow ia blognya...

gampang ko bkn templet(ceilee gaya bu :P)

pake photosop n illustrator,but i just design can't make a template :(

msh hrs bljr kalo soal kode html ^_^

With Love,


Miss Rinda - Personal Blog

Pilosophia mengatakan...

Hey Miss Rinda,,
happy to see you here!! =)

Aku juga follow ya blognyaaa..
new comer niii. =)

Senengnya bisa make potoshop, aku makenya cuma buat ngedit poto,,huhuhu,,

vania aprilia mengatakan...

heloo , ahahahaha .
.blog kamu juga bagus kok . kenapa ga di kasih chat box ?
lebih enak kalo dikasi chat box . hihihi
aku suka loo , gaya pakaian kamu . simple , tapi pas gituu

Lia Waroka Putri mengatakan...

love the batik skirt and so the yoghurt! hehehe thx for ur sweet comment, mind to exchange link?

xoxo =D

Pilosophia mengatakan...

@vania wahh,,senangnya dipuji,, jadi pengen ngelayang niii,, =))
ga dikasi chat box soalnya sepi,, ga ada yang ngasi komen,, tapi itu karena masi baru kali yaa?? btw aku dah follow sama nge-link kamuu,, =)

aku suka ma design blog kamu yang simple tapi full colour, trus potonya bisa berubah-ubah,, lucuu!!

Pilosophia mengatakan...

hey Lia, i love your hair too,, =))

i already follow and link your blog on my blogs.. =))